A number of positive effects on the body and organs are ascribed to the aventurin gemstone.
It has a particular effect on our connective tissue, our skin and our heart.
The aventurin gemstone was already used in ancient times for skin problems. It supports the healing process and prevents skin irritation as well as skin impurities and rashes. This realization has eventually reached the western world over the last couple of years. Massages of the skin with healing gemstones such as the aventurin improves blood circulation and stimulates collagen production. It also helps to relieve stress and promotes a sense of balance.
Not only our skin but also the connective tissue can benefit from the special propperties of the aventurin healing gemstone. The gemstone supports the skin's detoxification process and improves its elasticity. The aventurin healing stone is known for its pain-relieving effect and is often used in massages due to its gentle curves, without any natural corners or edges. The cosmetic use of aventurin ensures a more even complexion and an energetically strengthened interior.

The heart meridian (Yin meridian) creates the connection to a higher love and strengthens our ability to love ourselves and our environment unconditionally. It is located in the center of the chest and is the yin meridian in the middle of the main meridians in our body. A healthy flow creates a feeling of beauty, love and self-healing. The aventurin gemstone has a direct effect on the heart meridian by relieving flow disturbances and thereby strengthening our physical heart through mental balance.